[Event] First on GOLD & WAR

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.
The first Relict Weapon (from the Hell Forge Dungeon) - ok
The first one to upgrade the NECESSARY Type-B 55 weapon by +6 (Machine gun, bow, launcher, staff, spear) - warwar
The first one to collect 55 Relict set (same type, race) - iiNeuka
The first one to upgrade any Leon Weapon +6 - StephenChow79 (staff 55)
The first level 60 weapon (Relict or Leon or Crimson or PvP) - StephenChow79
The first one to collect level 60 Relict set (same type, race) - StephenChow79
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.