


I have this issue when i try to enter start game.
I find this topic:
After I follow this topic, my game start, but, after some time always have critical error.
If i click repair in launcher, the initial error return, and the error become in a loop.
Could you help me?
i mean where it's installed

what's the game path folder (like C:/GAMES/RF/Gameclient)

Also i would recomeened to reinstall gameclient but unzip it with different unzipper (for example 7-zip)
I start the game, but after playing for a few minutes, it gives a critical error.
if laptop -
1) go to nvidia control panel
2) then go to Manage 3D settings at nvidia control panel
3) at global settings at global presets select High-perfomance nvidia processor
4) click apply
5) make sure at launcher options there nvidia gpu selected

3) might be not "global presets" it can be called also " Preffered graphical processor"