I didn't receive the 5% potion


I got the quest earlier today... I completed the quest now and I didn't receive the potion 5% simply disappeared after I completed 333 cash lost with 90% for level 50
Quest reward was slightly changed. If before it was
Quest -> Reward
Now it's
Quest -> Item For Reward ->Easy Quest From NPC PVP Vendor (taken with Item For Reward) , take quest and click "conversation" at NPC -> Reward

P.S. the quest from pvp npc vendor is also has 24h cooldown, You can;t complete same quests twice from 9am moscow to 8.59am moscow

If you didn't complete quest before for the last 24 hours and -
1) you still see an Old reward from quests (not quests-coupouns)
2) you can't take quest from PointItemNPC (NPC PVP Vendor) in HQ
3) you can't complete quest from NPC

Exit the game and click fix client in launcher updates tab.
If it doesn;t work try to install patch manually - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B5OI3MmrpjTN-st3VTaZIINRTIuvuHTZ/view?usp=sharing
or reinstall the game client - https://cerberus-games.com/threads/connect-to-cerberus.21688/
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