General Server Information - *link*
Yellow text indicates information that is somehow related to the 2nd phase (or to the change on the 1st phase), and is not related to the 1st phase. The rest of the information, which is indicated as normal white text, is general information for both the 1st and 2nd phases.
Exp / Leveling / Hunt -
Max level 55, unseal quest is available, quest chain reduced to 1 quest (caliana archer).
> Available catching-up level system. Increase incoming experience if you fall behind the highest-level characters on the server in terms of level (the higher level difference between your character and the highest level character on the server - more experience you gain from hunting mobs [regardless of race]). On the 1st week of 2nd phase, the effect of the Catching-up-system is reduced by 2 times for characters level 50+. [Learn more about catching-up leveling system *link*]
> Leveling methods:
- Standard leveling/hunt on mobs at locations.
- Additonal "non-standard" mob spots:
- Zone "Training Camp". Zones contain copies of spots and monsters from other zones with lowered experience and with no loot. Training Camp No. 1 is designed for level 50-55 characters and contains monster spots of Red Haired Splinters (Outcast Land), Lizards (Beast Mountain), Cremuls (Outcast Land), Black Signs (Laboratory 1st). [Learn more about zone *link*]
- Fade rifts in the Beast Mountain and Outcast Land locations, from which rift monsters with increased experience appear every 4 hours for one hour. [Learn more about rifts *link*]
- Special EXP (hunt) BD are available (40+) (hunting same as on locations, mobs in dungeon have less attack, EXP and no loot). [More details at *link*]
- Quests for leveling:
- Standard one-time quests (that are given when character reached new level)
- Daily leveling quests:
- Cash shop daily quests for 5%. Can be purchased from Cash Shop (35+ level) [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Daily party quest "Deposit information" 3% exp (Can be accepted from NPC Weapon Type-B in HQ next to NPC Coinexchange) (45+ level) [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Daily quest "Operation-N" 3% exp (Can be accepted from NPC Person of merit / NPC Inspector in HQ Outpost) (45+ level) [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Daily PVP Elan quests 0.5% exp (5 quests) (Can be accepted from NPC on Elan Before PB Taraven) (49+level) [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Daily quests for 20 free bonus chocolate*. Quest can be accepted from NPC Foreign Vendor in HQ [35+ level]. [Learn more about quests *link*]
*Chocolate increase incoming experience by 33%. Bonus chocolate is temporary (Rental) item 23 hours - Daily quests for 3 free bonus chaos potion*. Quest can be accepted from NPC Foreign Vendor in HQ [40+ level]. [Learn more about quests *link*]
*Chaos potion allow you to attack character of your race, which allow to hunt mobs with "stolb" ("pillar") method. Bonus chaos potion is temporary(rental) item 23 hours. - Guild skill, that increase experience gain while hunt for all guild members. Need to gain guild experience to level guild skills. [Learn more about guild skills *link*]
- EXP Increase Potion Buff for all guild member for 3 hours. Can be looted from mini guild PB Expereinced BaBa. [Learn more about guild skills *link*][Learn more about PB *link*]
- Potions:
- Chocolate potion, +33% exp from monsters
- Can be purchased from cash shop [Learn more about cash shop *link*]
- Cab be obtained by completing free daily quest (see above)[Learn more about quests *link*]
- Potion attack+Exp, 55% attack + 33% exp
- Can be purchased from cash shop [Learn more about cash shop *link*]
- Can be obtained from cash shop sets [Learn more about cash shop *link*]
- Chocolate potion, +33% exp from monsters
- Available catching-up level system. Increase incoming experience if you fall behind the highest-level characters on the server in terms of level (the higher level difference between your character and the highest level character on the server - more experience you gain from hunting mobs [regardless of race]). On the 1st week, the effect of the Catching-up-system is reduced by 2 times. [Learn more about catching-up leveling system *link*]
- Level 50-51
- The Best Spot - Assassin Builder Elan
- Rest Spots: Izen outside HQ, EXP/Hunt Dungeon Assassin Builder Elani, spots for leveling level 49.
- Level 51-52
- The Best Spot - Red Haired Splinter BM / OL
- Rest Spots: Red Haired Splinte Training Camp, EXP/Hunt Dungeon Red Haired Splinter BM, Klam BM, Laboratory, spots for leveling level 50.
- Level 52-53
- The Best Spot - Black Sign Laboratory
- Rest Spots: EXP/Hunt Dungeon Black Sign Laboratory, Black Sign Training Camp, Red Haired Splinter BM / OL, Red Haired Splinter Training Camp, spots for leveling 51 levels
- Level 53-54
- The Best Spot - Black Sign Laboratory
- Rest Spots: Lizards BM (Dragon Tomb + Ancient People Road), EXP/Hunt Dungeon Black Sign Laboratory, Black Sign Training camp, Lizards Training camp, spots for leveling 52 levels
- Level 54-55
- The Best Spot - Black Sign Laboratory
- Rest Spots: Lizards BM (Dragon Tomb + Ancient People Road), EXP/Hunt Dungeon Black Sign Laboratory, Black Sign Training camp, Cremul OL, Cremul Training camp, spots for leveling 53 levels
Dungeons (BD) -
- Special EXP (hunt) BD are available (40+) (hunting same as on locations, mobs in dungeon have less attack, EXP and no loot). [More details at *link*]
- Mobs in BD respawn not instantly. need to wait some time. Average time in EXP BD - 25 minutes.
- BD Key can be purchased from NPC Battle Dungeon Vendor (x8 shards = x1 BD Key)
- BD 45-50(65) (Small Citadel) [Learn more about dungeon *link*]
- BD Small Citadel Key can be looted from mobs at Elan, curs at Vulcano, cactus in Sette desert. [Learn more about gathering resources *link*]
- BD Small Citadel Reward can be also received by completing solo-dungeon quests on locations. [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Decreases number of BD reward shards to receive BD reward from 3 to 2.
- BD 50-55(65) [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- BD Key is dropped from Pit Bosses: Brath, Belphegor, Caliana, Caliana Princess, Strayer, Hora Armored Ghost, all PB from Locations - Elan, BM, OL, Laboratory. Also drop from monster Cactus in Sette Desert and from Terminal (Chip) if won CW.
- BD 50-55(65) Reward can be also received by completing solo-dungeon quests on locations. [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Decreases number of BD reward shards to receive BD reward from 3 to 2.
- Available to receive triple reward for completing the dungeon with daily quest from NPC PvP Point [Learn more about quests *link*]
- new BD Mid Citadel (50+) [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- BD Key is dropped from monster Lucky Cube in location BM and OL, PB: Outside HQ PB, Elan PB. Also drop from Terminal (Chip) if won CW. Also drop from gathering resources cactuses at Sette Desert.
- BD Mid Citadel Reward can be also received by completing solo-dungeon quests on locations. [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Decreases number of BD reward shards to receive BD reward from 6 to 5.
- Available to receive double reward for completing the dungeon with daily quest from NPC PvP Point [Learn more about quests *link*]
- For competing BD you also receive additional reward "absolute shard of rare reward". [Learn more about absolute reward *link*]
- BD HDH (Big Citadel)(50+) [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- BD Key is dropped from monster Lucky Cube in location BM and OL. Also drop from gathering resources cactuses at Sette Desert.
- BD Big Citadel Reward can be also received by completing solo-dungeon quests on locations. [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Increased number of BD reward shards to receive BD reward from 6 to 7.
- Available to receive double reward for completing the dungeon with daily quest from NPC PvP Point [Learn more about quests *link*]
- For competing BD you also receive additional reward "absolute shard of rare reward". [Learn more about absolute reward *link*]
- BD Hell Forge (51+) [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- BD Key can be purchased from NPC BD Vendor in HQ.
- Available to receive double reward for completing the dungeon with daily quest from NPC PvP Point [Learn more about quests *link*]
- For competing BD you also receive additional reward "absolute shard of rare reward". [Learn more about absolute reward *link*]
- Special PVE-dungeon turrets(towers) are available for specialists.
Turrets have increased damage*, an install speed of 1 second and do not require resources to install.
*Dungeon Turrets have more damage than regular turrets available for purchase with racial currency
To get a Dungeon Turret, you need to take a quest from the NPC Dragon Knight in HQ, then buy the item "Amethyst Rod" from the NPC Rare Tools in HQ and exchange (click "Conversation") it from the NPC Dragon Knight for a Dungeon Turret. The cooldown of the quest is 3 hours.
Dungeon turret resource can be purchased from NPC Rare tools (х99 resources = 10.000 currency).
The Dungeon Turret is temporary and will disappear after 3 hours.
"Non-standard" level bonuses -
- Increased the chance of getting a Rare HDH Reward at level 55 from BD HDH (Big Citadel) and HDH solo-Quests.
- Drop-level system, which allow character with high level farm more from farm mobs. [Learm more about drop-level system *link*]
- Changed effect of level drop system. (1st phase: lv49=+10%, lv50=+20%. 2nd phase: lv50-52=0%, lv53=10%, lv54=25%, lv55=35%).
- UMT Batteries and UMT:
- UMT batteries from level. The higher level of charcater - the faster and cheaper UMT batteries.
- Added new UMT Battery Box to cash shop (x3, level 53 and level 55).
- Changed price for UMT Battery Box level 50.
- "Old" UMT Battery Box level 50 are now "defective". You can change (combine to NPC Hero) x2 "defective" box to x1 "new" box or x5 "defective" box to x3 "new" box.
- UMT from level. The higher level of charcater - the tighter and cheaper UMT batteries.
- UMT batteries from level. The higher level of charcater - the faster and cheaper UMT batteries.
- For killing a level 55 character, you get 225 PVP instead of 150 PVP.
- Increase amount of guild experience from individual guild exp quests, and additional reward on level 50 - 1-2 BD Rewad shard of level 50 and 2 BD Reward shards of level 55 on level 55. [Learn more about guild skills, guild experience and guild exp quests *link*]
- Hunting Point:
- Available new location "Desert of Hunters" on level 55 to farm Hunting Point. [Learn more about location *link*]
- Available new daily quests for Hunting Point (Cash Shop daily quest and daily quest from NPC Master Hunter).
Farm -
> General Information:
- Removed level drop loot penalty* (hot level drop) from all mobs on Ether, turncoasts on Sette Desert, Lazhuwardians on Crag mine field and mobs in Desert of Hunters, Gathering Resources (means you got same drop from these mobs no matter level [except drop-level system {see below}]). About gathering resources - [More details at *link*].
- Drop-level system, which allow character with high level farm more from farm mobs. [Learm more about drop-level system *link*]
- Changed effect of level drop system. (1st phase: lv49=+10%, lv50=+20%. 2nd phase: lv50-52=0%, lv53=10%, lv54=25%, lv55=35%).
- Slightly reduced farm from turncoasts at Sette Desert.
- Reduced farm from mobs at HQ and outside HQ zones.
- Excelsiar revalued by 10 times = Reduced drop of excelsiar by 10 times, and also decrease amount of excelsiar needed for crafting anything that need excelsiar by 5 times.
- Outside HQ mobs
- Sette desert turncoast mobs
- Ether robo mobs
- Ether caliana mobs
- Frosty flowers on Ether [Learn more about gathering resources *link*]
- Rift caliana on Ether [Learn more about rifts *link*]
Also from farm mobs you can farm Rare Ore, ExcelSiar, Inventers Accessories Box
You can also farm from mobs cur at Vulcano, but they have hot level drop (decrease loot the higher or lower level you are from mob level)
Currency can be sold on web-auction for cash shop. For that you need to buy Box with Gold Bar from NPC Rare Tools at HQ and put it in itemshop [Learn more about web-auction *link*]
> Additional source of "easing" for farm
- Guild skill, that increase loot drop gain while hunt for all guild members. Need to gain guild experience to level guild skills. [Learn more about guild skills *link*]
- Loot drop Increase Potion Buff for all guild member for 3 hours. Can be looted from mini guild PB Lucky Lazhuwardin. [Learn more about guild skills *link*][Learn more about PB *link*]
- Potions:
- Drop potion, +50% drop loot
- Can be purchased from cash shop [Learn more about cash shop *link*]
- Drop potion, +50% drop loot
- Drop-level system, which allow character with high level farm more from farm mobs. [Learm more about drop-level system *link*]
- Currency (see above "Farm" category)
- Gold points
- Can be looted from terminal (chip) if won chip war
- Looted from gathering resource "ore deposit" [Learn more about gathering resoureces *link*]
- Ore
[Learn more about ore *link*]- All Ore +1+2+3 will be deleted on next Friday maintenance. Then ore drop will be changed to 2nd phase drop.
- Minining from Mining Area in Crag Mine Field.
- +1 ore can be also looted from mobs Lazhuardian in Crag Mine Field
- +2 ore can be also looted from mobs Portal Guards in Sette Desert
- Available combination for recycling х5 99 ore to x1 99 ore of higher grade
- Talics:
- Can be obtained from ore proccessing
- Can be obtained from BD Small citadel (keen, favor)
- Can be obtained from HQ PB and Outside HQ PB
- Can be obtained from cactuses in Sette Desert [Learn more about gathering resources *link*]
- Crystall talic:
- Can be obtained changing 20 talic in NPC Talic Collector
- Can be obtained from BD 50-55(65), BD Mid Citadel
- Can be obtained from cactuses in Sette Desert [Learn more about gathering resources *link*]
- Can be obtained by completing daily party cash shop quest [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Stones for talic upgrading:
- Can be obtained from ore proccessing (t2,t3,t5)
- Can be obtained from cash shop (t5 lgs) [Learn more about cash shop *link*]
- Can be obtained from PB Earthquaker (t3,t4,t5)
- Can be obtained from different boxes [Learn more about boxes *link*]
- Potions:
- Low potions can be purchased at HQ (20% attack, 20 sec), Ether (20% attack 300 sec, PrecisionAccuracy potion)
- Improved potions can be purchased from cash shop or some of it from NPC Gold Point in HQ (potions: increase loot, experience, attack+experience, defense, dodge, PrecisionAccuracy, HP, crit, skill cooldown reduction)
- Potions 40% attack and defense can be obtaied from gift box (rare ore exchange) and PB box
- Potions 55% attack, 55% defense, potion attack+crit can be also optained from BD rewards, Novajan Ancient Remain box and other boxes [Learn more about boxes *link*]
- Chaos Potions:
- Can be purchased from NPC Hero (10min)
- Can be obtained from gift boxes (rare ore exchange) (30min)
- Daily quests for 3 free bonus chaos potion*. Quest can be accepted from NPC Foreign Vendor in HQ [40+ level]. [Learn more about quests *link*]
*Chaos potion allow you to attack character of your race, which allow to hunt mobs with "stolb" ("pillar") method. Bonus chaos potion is temporary(rental) item 23 hours. - Can be obtained from cash shop sets. [Learn more about cash shop *link*]
- Rare ore, ExcelSiar, Inventers Accessories Box
- Can be obtained from farm mobs
- Halostones and Herodian Chip:
- Can be received as reward for completing BD HDH (Big Citadel) or compeling solo-dungeon quest on locations.
- Can be obtained from combining x99 pieces of halostone or pieces of herodian chip.
- Pieces can be obtained from BD Big Citadel normal reward or from ore processing.
- Can be obtained from PB of Big Spawn or Sealed PB.
- Dimond Talic:
- Can be obtained from combining x99 Crystal Talic = x1 Diamond Talic.
- Relic unseal scrolls:
- Can be obtained from PB of Big Spawn and Elan PB.
- Can be obtain from Novajan Ancient Remain Box (exchanging 1 Crystal Talic to NPC Talic Collector) [Learn more about box *link*]
Available equipment & Changes in character power -
- Runes, Generators (charms), scrolls
- Available runes (CDs) - Destruction Rune (10 min), Convert Rune (5 min), Swift Rune (5 min), Escape Rune (30 min), Defense Rune (10 min) (5 min for accretia).
- Runes can be obtain from Novajan Ancient Remain Box (exchanging 1 Crystal Talic to NPC Talic Collector) [Learn more about box *link*]
- Attack+Defense genarators (charms) are combined into 1 (20%)
- Can be purchased from cash shop (7 days) or from cash shop lord set (30 days) [Learn more about cash shop *link*]
- Can be purchased from NPC Foreign Vendor (2 days)
- Can be puchased from NPC PVP Point (5 days)
- Run (speed) generator (charm)
- Can be purchased from cash shop lord set (30 days)
- Can be purchased from NPC Foreign Vendor (7days)
- Agressive generator (charm)
- Can be purchased from cash shop (7 days)
- Can be purchased from NPC Foreign Vendor (2 days)
- Can be puchased from NPC PVP Point (5 days)
- PVP Generators (51+)
PVP Generators / Effect / Price / Duration
- Bellato: Divine PVP MAU Generator (not panzer) / MAU Attack and MAU damage absorption increased by 20% / 50,000 PVP points / 5 days
- Cora: Sympathy Charm [PvP] / Isis Damage increased by 20% / 20,000 PVP Points / 3 days
- Accretia: Charm of Restoration / Increases HP regeneration depending on max. HP / 20,000 PVP Points / 3 days
- Hunting Points Generator (55+) [Learn more about Hunting Points *link*]
- Bellato: Hunter's MAU Generator (not panzer) / MAU attack and MAU damage absorption increased
- Cora: Hunter's Sympathy Charm / Increased Isis damage and Inanna healing
- Accretia: Hunter Cleansing Programmer / Reducing the duration of negative effects and increasing PrecisionAccuracy
- Available scroll (teleport): HQ, Premium HQ (can be used in any location, can be purchased from cash shop), Outpost, Outside HQ Zones, Crag Mines (only from quests), Ether(35+) (NPC Foreigh Vendor and cash shop), Vulcano cauldron(40-49) (NPC Foreigh Vendor and cash shop), Elan(45+) (NPC Foreign Vendor and from mobs on Ether), Beast Mountain(49+) (NPC Foreign Vendor), Training Camp(50+) (NPC Foreign Vendor), Outcast Land(51+) (NPC Foreign Vendor), Desert of Hunters(55+) (NOC Foreign Vendor). [Learn more about new location *link*]
- Available runes (CDs) - Destruction Rune (10 min), Convert Rune (5 min), Swift Rune (5 min), Escape Rune (30 min), Defense Rune (10 min) (5 min for accretia).
- HP Potions:
- 2000 - Can be purchased at HQ
- 3000 - Can be purchased at Ether
- 4000 - Can be purchased at Elan
- 5000 - Can be purchased at Outcast Land
- Available 53 and 55 regular turrets (NPC TOOL at OL), 53 and 55 relict turrets (PB), 55 pvp turrets (PointItemNPC (NPC PVP Vendor) in HQ), 55 Hunting Points turrets (NPC Dragon Knight in HQ), 55 PVE-Dungeon Turret [Learn More about Hunting Point Merchant *link*], [Learn More about PVE-DUNGEON Turret *link*]
- Available 53 and 55 regular mines (NPC TOOL at OL), 53 and 55 relic mines (PB)
- MAU equipment parts are available (51+)
- 55 siege kits are available from the NPC Rare Tools at HQ and unique 55 siege kits from the Hunting Point Merchant (NPC Dragon Knight) in HQ
- Animus leveling up to level 55 is available
- Normal weapon
- Can be purchased in HQ & HQ outpost (50-)
- Can be looted from mobs loot of that level
- Can be crafted from ore craft (including 55)
- Type-A weapon
- Can be purchased in HQ (35-50)
- Can be looted from mobs loot of that level
- Can be crafted from ore craft
- Can be crafted with default ccr combination (50-)
- Type-B weapon
- Can be pruchased in HQ (35-45)
- Can be looted from mobs loot of that level
- Can be obtained from low level dungeons [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- Can be obtained by completing standard quests (that are given after new level reached)
- Can be obtained from gift boxes (rare ore exchange)(40-50) [Learn more about boxes *link*]
- Can be crafted from ore craft (including 55)
- Can be obtaited from BD 50-55(65) (55)
- Can be looted from PB (HQ PB, Outside HQ PB, Mid PB, Elan PB) (including 55)
- Type-C weapon
- Can be obtained from dungeons (BD)
- low level BD - weapon (45-)
- BD 50-55(65) - weapon 50(55)
*BD 50-55(65) Reward can be also received by completing solo-dungeon quests on locations. [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Can be looted from PB
- HQ PB - weapon 35(40)
- Outside HQ PB - weapon 40(45)
- Mid PB - weapon 48(50)
- Elan PB - weapon 45-48(50)
- Dagnue - weapon 50(55)
- Can be crafted with updated combination (weapon 45, weapon 50) [Learn more about combination *link*]
- Can be obtained from dungeons (BD)
- Leon weapon
Added new type of leon weapon and changed effects for some leon weapon. [Learn more about new leon weapons and effect *link*]- Crafted from leon weapon parts + leon blueprint (normal or gold) [Learn mobe about combination *link*]
- Leon weapon parts can be obtaied from Leon Box, that can be obitaned
- Blessed Mysterious Treasure Box [Offense] Box (can be obtained by exchanging 3 Keen Talic to NPC Talic Collector)
- BD dungeon reward 50-55(65)
- Looted from gathering resource "cactuses" [Learn more about gathering resoureces *link*]
- Leon blueprint can be obtained from Leon box (see above) and from Leon Blueprint Box, that can be purchased from NPC Gold Point.
- Gold Leon blueprint can be obtained from Leon Blueprint Box, that can be purchased from NPC Gold Point.
- Leon weapon parts can be obtaied from Leon Box, that can be obitaned
- Available "safe" (alternative) talic upgrade with combination. [Learn about combination *link*]
- Can be upgraded to level 55 with combination. [Learn about combination *link*]
- Crafted from leon weapon parts + leon blueprint (normal or gold) [Learn mobe about combination *link*]
- Elan relic weapon
Drop only with "orange" grade
Changed characteristics of elan relic weapons [Learn more about elan relic *link*]- Can be looted from Elan PB. The higher level of PB - the better chance for the higher elan relic weapon level (45-48)
- Can be looted from DDD PB (49)
- Can be upgraded to level 50-54 with combination. (information will be available later)
- PvP Weapon
- Can be purchased from NPC PVP Point [Learn more about PVP Points *link*]
- Can upgrade level 50 PvP Weapon to level 55 PvP Weapon with talic saved. [Learn about combination *link*]
- Available "safe" (alternative) talic upgrade with combination [Learn about combination *link*]
- Crimson Weapon
- (information will be available later) with sealed PB respawning.
- Sealed Relic Weapon
- Can be obtained from BD Hell Forge. [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- Also can be obtained from combining x99 Absolute Shards of BD Hell Forge rare reward. [Learn more*link*]
- Can be purchased from NPC Master Hunter with Hunting Point. [Learn more about Hunting Points *link*]
- Can be unsealed with default combination.
- Can be upgraded to level 55 with default combination.
- Can be obtained from BD Hell Forge. [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- Normal armor and shield
- Can be purchased in HQ & HQ outpost
- Can be looted from mobs loot of that level
- Can be crafted from ore craft (including 53 and 55)
- Type-A shield
- Can be purchased in HQ (35-47)
- Can be looted from mobs loot of that level
- Can be looted from PB (HQ PB, Outside HQ PB, Mid PB)(41-50)
- Type-B armor and shield
- Can be pruchased in HQ (35-47)
- Can be looted from mobs loot of that level (50-)
- Can be obtained from low level dungeons (47-) [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- Can be obtained by completing standard quests (that are given after new level reached)
- Can be crafted from ore craft (including 53 and 55)
- Can be looted from PB (40+) (HQ PB, Outside HQ PB, Mid PB, Elan PB)
- 53 type-B armor
- Can be looted from Elan PB
- Can be crafted from ore craft
- Can be obtained from exchange box Crystal talic + Currecy in NPC Dark Ambassador
- 55 type-B armor
- Can be looted from Elan PB
- Can be crafted from ore craft
- Can be obtained from exchange box Crystal talic + Currecy in NPC Dark Ambassador
- 53 type-B armor
- Type-C armor and shields
- Can be crafted with updated combination (45,47,50,53,55)(shields only till level 50) [Learn more about combinations *link*]
- Can be looted from Elan PB (45(50)
- Type-SP armor and shield
- Can be obtained from exchange box Crystal talic + Currecy in NPC Dark Ambassador
- Can be obtaied from PB of "Full" respawn (50,53,55) [Learn more about PB *link*]
- Available "safe" (alternative) talic upgrade with combination [Learn about combination *link*]
- Palmas/didalos/knighwalker armor
*in palmas/didalos/knightwalker set no need to have jewelry [Learn more about set effect *link*]- Can be obtained from Blessed Mysterious Treasure Box [Defense] (exchanging 3 Favor Talic to NPC Talic Collector)
- Can be obtained from BD Mid Citadel [Learn more about BD *link*]
*BD Small Citadel Reward can be also received by completing solo-dungeon quests on locations. [Learn more about quests *link*] - Available "safe" (alternative) talic upgrade with combination [Learn about combination *link*]
- Can be upgraded from level 50 to level 55 with combination (no talic save). [Learn about combination *link*]
- Item for upgrading palmas 50->55 can be obtained from Elan PB.
- Council armor
available only for officers. Can be traded [Learn more about set *link*]
- Can be purchased from NPE Hero with currency
- Available "safe" (alternative) talic upgrade with combination [Learn about combination *link*]
- Can be upgraded from level 50 to level 55 with combination (with or with not talic saved). [Learn about combination *link*]
- Relic armor
- Can be obtained from BD Hell Forge. [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- Also can be obtained from combining x50 Absolute Shards of BD Hell Forge rare reward. [Learn more*link*]
- Available "safe" (alternative) talic upgrade with combination [Learn about combination *link*]
- Can be obtained from BD Hell Forge. [Learn more about dungeons *link*]
- 40,50 Booster are created with default ccr combinations
- Gold Booster can be purchased from NPC Gold Point
- Normal jewelry:
- Can be looted from normal mobs
- Can be looted from HQ PB and Outside HQ PB
- Middle Class Jewelry
- Can be purchased from cash shop (also included in lord set) or from NPC Foreign Vendor
- Begginer Jewelry
- Can be purchased from NPC Foreign Vendor
- Quest jewelry
- Can be obtained by completing standard quests (that are given after new level reached)
- Elemental jewelry
- Can be looted from farm mobs (Ether, turncoast sette desert)
- Can be obtaied from Master Recycling Box (10 Empty master large gift box to NPC Gem Collector [rare ore exchange])
- Can be purchased from NPC Gold Point in HQ
- Can be looted from PB (HQ PB, Outside HQ PB, Mid PB, Elan PB, PB of "Full respawn")
- Elemental jewelry can be upgraded with standard combination, or upgraded with increased chances with standard combination + elemental catalsy [Learn more about combination *link*]
- Khan jewelry
- Can be obtain from Novajan Ancient Remain Box (exchanging 1 Crystal Talic to NPC Talic Collector) [Learn more about box *link*]
- Palmas/didalos/knightwalker jewelry
*isn't part of set for Palmas/didalos/knightwalker set [Learn more *link*]- Palmas 1grade can be obtaied from BD Small Citadel (45-50(65)) [Learn more about effects of jewelry *link*]
- Omega Epsilon Omicron Emitter (item for upgrading palmas jewelry 1 grade -> 2 grade) can be obtaed from BD Mid Citadel [Learn more about combinations *link*]
*BD Rewards can be received completing solo-dungeon quests on location [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Beast jewelry:
- Can be looted from PB Draco and PB Blood Axe
- HDH Jewelry:
- Sealed HDH jewelry can be obtaied from BD Mid Citadel. [Learn more about jewelry effects *link*]
- Also can be obtained from combining x77 Absolute Shards of BD Mid Citadel rare reward. [Learn more*link*]
- Celectial Shard (item for unsealing sealed HDH jewelry) can be obtained from BD HDH (Big Citadel) (BD Big citadel not available at 1st phase).
- *BD Rewards can be received completing solo-dungeon quests on location [Learn more about quests *link*]
- Also can be obtained from combining x60 Absolute Shards of BD Big Citadel rare reward. [Learn more*link*]
- Sealed HDH jewelry can be obtaied from BD Mid Citadel. [Learn more about jewelry effects *link*]
[Learn more about effects of jewelry *link*]- Can be looted from DDD
- Laboratory jewelry:
- New jewelry set. Can be looted from PB Aizen Cracker and PB Black Sign. [Learn more about new jewelry set *link*]
Guild content -
- Added guild point for killing mobs of 2nd phase. (learn more about guild point *link*)
- "Guild brawl" [More details at *link*] - a unique system on a permanent basis, with the bonus for guilds.
- Guild store for buying in-game items with guild points. [More details at *link*]
- New system of leveling guild skills (with guild experiece) increaseing guild characters stats (damage,hp itc.). [More details at *link*]
- Added new Guild PB:
(learn more about guild skills and buffs *link*)
- Swamp Klan. Respawn time 6 hours. Respawn location - Beast Mountain, Foggy Lake. Drop: Guild experience potion +30, Temporary all guild HP potion +8% for 3 hours.
- Naroom Renegade. Respawn time 6 hours. Respawn location - Outcast Land, Threatening Passage. Drop: Guild experience potion +30, Temporary all guild attack potion +12% for 3 hours.
[Learn more about Pit Bosses *link*]
(no loot from PB while CW)
- HQ PB (respawn interval 4 hours)
- Outside HQ PB (respawn interval 8 hours)
- Mid PB
- Belphegor (respawn interval 8 hours)
- Caliana Princess (respawn interval 8 hours)
- Earthquaker (respawn interval 8 hours)
- Hora Armored Ghost (respawn interval 12 hours)
- Strayer (respawn interval 6 hours)
- Elan PB
- Rockjaw (respawn interval 24 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Taraven (respawn interval 24 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Blink (respawn interval 24 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Caliana Queen (respawn interval 24 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Soul Sinder (respawn interval 24 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- PB of "Full Respawn"
- DDD (respawn interval 72 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Draco (respawn interval 72 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Aizen Cracker (respawn interval 72 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Black Sign (respawn interval 72 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Blood Axe (respawn interval 72 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Comander (respawn interval 72 hours at 20:00 moscow time (17:00 GMT, 24:00 WIB))
- Guild mini PB
- Experienced BaBa (respawn interval 6 hours)
- Lucky Lazhuwardin (respawn interval 6 hours)
- Swamp Klan (respawn interval 6 hours)
- Naroom Renegade (respawn interval 6 hours)
- Sealed PB
- will be availabe in some week after launc of 2nd phase.
Other Information -
- All Ore +1+2+3 will be deleted on next Friday maintenance. Then ore drop will be changed to 2nd phase drop.
- A lot of achievements at the start of the server "FIRST ON CERBERUS", that allow players to receive prizes for being first in different spheres of gameplay. [More details at *link*]
- More CW Info - [Learn about CW *link*]
- More about PVP System - [Learn more about PVP system *link*]
- More about dodge, accuracy and precisionaccuracy - [Learn more *link*]
- Web-auction information - [Learn more about web-auction *link*]