[Server Information] New Relict Sets

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Relic Sets – are rare type of equipment with unique set bonuses*.
Relic sets can be level 55 or level 60.
*bonuses of relic sets are available at the end of the description (information)

A level 55 Relict set can be looted from a dungeon “Hell Forge” and has a defense similar to the Type-B Lv57 armor.
A Level 60 Relict Set is created from a Level 55 Relict Set and has a defense similar to Type-B Lv 63 armor. 60 Relict set has improved set bonuses (compared to 55 relict set) and it can also have a completely different set of set bonuses (type), which you can choose depending on your style of play.

You can change set bonuses (type) of the 60 Relic Set at any time by combining each piece of the 60 Relic set at NPC Hero, and getting a unique type of 60 Relic set. When changing the type of the 60 Relic set, talics upgrade are saved, the price of each combination is 15.000.000.

Warning! If as a result of the combination, you did not choose one of the results (items), then the item will be lost and cannot be returned! After the combination, before clicking "OK" or "CONTINUE", be sure to select one of the suggested items. Do not delay with the choice of the items. After a certain time/interval before choosing an item, it can also be lost!

The relic set can be talic upgraded with Crystal Talic combination at NPC Hero. For 60 relict sets, upgrading is only* available in the “Balance” type set.

*This restriction does not prevent to upgrade the relic set in the "Balance" type set, in order to then change to another necessary set type, saving talic upgrades.

New combination of upgrading with Crystal Talic (CT) from NPC Hero

List of resources:
x1 Armor Relict Lv 55, 60
x5 Talic
x# Crystal Talic
x1 Relict Armor Catalyst (optional)
= x1 Armor Relict same level with upgraded talic slot

Additional Information
(Prices and requirements for upgrading are indicated via " / " 55 / 60 Armor Relict)

Combination price - 30 / 36 kk. The combination is only possible for 55 / 60 Armor Type-SP with 7 upgrade slots.

Combination: 55 / 60 Armor Relict + 5 talics + CT (quantity depends on upgrading)
Combination #2: 55 / 60 Armor Relict + 5 talics + CT (quantity depends on upgrading) + Relict Armor Catalyst

Possible upgrading with talic:
Head – Favor Talic, Wisdom Talic
Torso – Favor Talic
Legs – Favor Talic
Hands – Favor Talic, Darkness Talic, Grace Talic
Shoes – Favor Talic, Mercy Talic

Chances of upgrading / Number of CT required for the combination:
10 / 12 CT | +1) 100% success
20 / 24 CT | +2) 100% success
30 / 36 CT | +3) 75% success / 25% failure
40 / 48 CT | +4) 30% success / 40% failure / 30% reduction of talic upgrade to +2
50 / 60 CT | +5) 15% success / 50% failure / 25% reduction of talic upgrade to +3 / 10% reduction of talic upgrade to 0
60 / 72 CT | +6) 5% success / 49.5% failure / 36.5% reduction of talic upgrade to +4 / 9% reduction of talic upgrade to 0
70 / 84 CT | +7) 1% success / 50% failure / 39% reduction of talic upgrade to +5 / 10% reduction of talic upgrade to 0

Chances of upgrading when using a Relic Armor Catalyst / Number of CT scans required for the combination:
10 / 12 CT | +1) 100% success
20 / 24 CT | +2) 100% success
30 / 36 CT | +3) 100% success
40 / 48 CT | +4) 45% success / 25% failure / 30% reduction of talic upgrade to +2
50 / 60 CT | +5) 23% success / 42% failure / 25% reduction of talic upgrade to +3 / 10% reduction of talic upgrade to 0
60 / 72 CT | +6) 7% success / 47.5% failure / 36.5% reduction of talic upgrade to +4 / 9% reduction of talic upgrade to 0
70 / 84 CT | +7) 1% success / 50% failure / 39% reduction of talic upgrade to +5 / 10% reduction of talic upgrade to 0

3 set:3 set:3 set:
24% HP
24% attack
24 critical
14% attack
17 dodge
24 critical
18% attack
4 set:4 set:4 set:
24% HP
24% attack
19 critical
0.8 move speed
28 critical
14% attack
17 dodge
18% HP
29 critical
18% attack
12% HP
-1.8 sec force delay
5 set:5 set:5 set:
29% HP
24% attack
22 critical
1.2 move speed
28 critical
14% attack
21 dodge
30% HP
29 critical
18% attack
19% HP
12% vampirism
-2.04 sec force delay

3 set:3 set:3 set:
24% HP
24% attack
24 critical
14% attack
17 dodge
24% HP
18% attack
4 set:4 set:4 set:
24% HP
24% attack
19 critical
0.8 move speed
28 critical
14% attack
17 dodge
18% HP
24% HP
18% attack
17 critical
12% vampirism
5 set:5 set:5 set:
29% HP
24% attack
22 critical
1.2 move speed
28 critical
14% attack
21 dodge
30% HP
29% HP
18% attack
22 critical
15% vampirism
-1.8 sec force delay

3 set:3 set:3 set:
24 critical
18% HP
24 critical
14% attack
17 dodge
24% HP
14 critical
12% vampirism
4 set:4 set:4 set:
24 critical
18% HP
24% attack
0.8 move speed
30 critical
14% attack
17 dodge
18% HP
24% HP
23 critical
12% vampirism
12% attack
5 set:5 set:5 set:
24 critical
26% HP
24% attack
1.2 move speed
18% debuff decrease
30 critical
14% attack
21 dodge
32% HP
18% debuff decrease
24% HP
30 critical
18% vampirism
12% attack
18% debuff decrease
.1 Balance.2 Damage.1 Balance.2 Damage.1 Balance.2 Damage.3 Survive
3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:
26% HP
18% attack
21 critical
21% attack
26 critical
18% attack
20 dodge
25 critical
30% attack
10% debuff decrease
26 critical
21% attack
25 critical
30% attack
27% HP
Decrease force damage output 90%
18% debuff decrease
4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:
26% HP
26 critical
18% attack
0.8 move speed
33 critical
29% attack
1 move speed
30 critical
18% attack
20 dodge
21% HP
35 critical
33% attack
10% debuff decrease
31 critical
21% attack
16% HP
-2 sec force delay
38 critical
39% attack
35% HP
Decrease force damage output 90%
0.8 move speed
18% debuff decrease
5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:
32% HP
29 critical
18% attack
30% debuff decrease
1.2 move speed
41 critical
33% attack
1.3 move speed
30 critical
18% attack
24 dodge
35% HP
41 critical
33% attack
13% debuff decrease
31 critical
21% attack
24% HP
14% vampirism
-2.24 sec force delay
42 critical
44% attack
14% debuff decrease
45% HP
Decrease force damage output 90%
1.2 move speed
28% debuff decrease

.1 Balance.2 Damage.1 Balance.2 Damage.1 Balance.2 Damage
3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:
26% HP
26% attack
9 critical
32% attack
26 critical
18% attack
20 dodge
26 critical
30% attack
10% debuff decrease
26% HP
21% attack
16 critical
31% attack
4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:
26% HP
26% attack
20 critical
0,9 move speed
22 critical
36% attack
1 move speed
30 critical
18% attack
20 dodge
21% HP
35 critical
33% attack
10% debuff decrease
26% HP
21% attack
20 critical
14% vampirism
29 critical
36% attack
5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:
33% HP
32% attack
24 critical
1.2 move speed
33 critical
45% attack
1.3 move speed
30 critical
18% attack
24 dodge
35% HP
41 critical
40% attack
13% debuff decrease
32% HP
21% attack
25 critical
18% vampirism
-2 sec force delay
40 critical
39% attack
14% debuff decrease

.1 Balance.2 Damage.1 Balance.2 Damage.1 Balance.2 Damage.3Versatility.4 Survive
3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:3 set:
26 critical
21% HP
21 critical
27% attack
26 critical
20% attack
20 dodge
25 critical
21% attack
13% debuff decrease
26% HP
16 critical
14% vampirism
24 critical
26% attack
10% debuff decrease
26 critical
18% attack
18 dodge
30% HP
Decrease output damage 100%
18% debuff decrease
4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:4 set:
26 critical
21% HP
26% attack
0.9 move speed
33 critical
34% attack
1 move speed
32 critical
20% attack
20 dodge
30% HP
38 critical
26% attack
13% debuff decrease
26% HP
25 critical
14% attack
36 critical
31% attack
10% debuff decrease
31 critical
18% attack
18 dodge
21% HP
38% HP
Decrease output damage 100%
0.8 move speed
18% debuff decrease
5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:5 set:
29 critical
30% HP
25% attack
1.2 move speed
30% debuff decrease
39 critical
41% attack
1.4 move speed
32 critical
20% attack
24 dodge
44% HP
30% debuff decrease
44 critical
35% attack
16% debuff decrease
26% HP
32 critical
20% vampirism
14% attack
30% debuff decrease
42 critical
41% attack
13% debuff decrease
31 critical
18% attack
24 dodge
30% debuff decrease
35% HP
48% HP
Decrease output damage 100%
1.2 move speed
28% debuff decrease
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