Face your enemies. Crush the competition. Become a legend!
Fight for your place in history in the PvP event "Cerberus-Games 2nd Phase Cup"!
- - - - - - - - - GENERAL INFORMATION - - - - - - - - -
Available PvP-Categories for participation:
- 1x1 In-race In-InitialClass pvp-categoty
- 4x4 Absolute pvp-category
with potential 4x4 in-race pvp-category as a qualification for absolute pvp-category [depends on the number of registrated participants]
Additional Reward (Giveaway for all PvP participants):
Register in "Cerburus-Games 2nd Phase Cup" to participate in the 350.000 Cash Shop Coins Giveaway.
Any player who sign-up/registered to participate in "Cerburus-Games 2nd Phase Cup" - automatically take part in the giveaway for 350.000 Cash Shop Coins.
To increase your chances of winning the giveaway, defeat your opponents and advance through the tournament bracket.
Initially, the character nickname appears in the giveaway list only 1 time. To additionally add your nickname to the giveaway list and increase the chances of winning the giveway, you can do next "conditions":
- Participate in different pvp-categories.
There are 2 pvp-categories available, 1x1 and 4x4. If a character participates in only one of the pvp-categories, his nickname is initially listed in the giveaway list only 1 time. If a character participates in both pvp-categories, his nickname is initially listed in the giveaway list 2 times. - Win 1 match in 1x1 pvp-caterogy.
- Win 1 match in 4x4 pvp-caterogy.
- Successfully complete 4x4 in-race qualification, thereby advance into the absolute category. [if in-race qualification will take place [depends on the number of registrated participants])
- Successfully Advance to the final stage of the 4x4 category playoffs (if there are different stages [depends on the number of registrated participants]).
For example, if a character wins several matches in the same pvp-category, only 1 match that he won is counted (because the "condition" is described as "win 1 match in the pvp-category", and not "with every win in the pvp-category").
The winners of the giveaway will receive 35.000 Cash Shops (10 winners).
The winner of the giveaway is not the team, but the individual player whose nickname are indicated as a result of the giveaway.
One character cannot win the giveaway multiple times.
Character cannot participate in the giveaway if he missed a PvP match with his participation or violated/break the rules of the "Cerberus-Games 2nd Phase Cup".
Giveaway will be done after the end of the "Cerburus-Games 2nd Phase Cup".
General information about the format:
To participate in the "Cerberus-Gmaes 2nd Phase Cup", you need to sign-up/register your character. Sign-up/registration for 4x4 pvp-category is accepted only in ready-team composition. Sign-up/registration is only available for level 55 characters. The terms and sign-up/registration rules for each pvp-category are described in the sections below.
All matches will be played on the dedicated PvP server (with characters from the Main Server). In order to access the PvP server, you must select the appropriate server in the launcher settings (it is recommended to use a separate game client and launcher for the PvP server, since clients/patches and auto-updates of the Main server and the PvP server are different). The PvP server will be available later. CW buffs will not be available on PvP Server and all councils will be cancelled.
- Equipment and inventory of characters on the PvP server will be equal to the equipment and inventory of characters on the main server at the time of the closest Maintenance before pvp-category.
- On the PvP server, it will be impossible to trade equipment, change class, purchase items in the Cash Shop, purchase item for gold point, purchase items for hunting point, purchase items for pvp point, use mail, upgrade equipment.
- IMPORTANT! It means that the character, when participating in a PvP Tournament, will have only the class, equipment and inventory that he had at the time of the closest Maintenance before pvp-category, because it will be impossible to change a class, trade or purchase any items on the PvP Server (with the exception of some items).
- Scheduled maintenance for transfering characters and their equipment to PvP server:
- 1x1 pvp-category - Maintenance 07.03.2025.
- 4x4 pvp-category - Maintenance 10.03.2025.
- Scheduled maintenance for transfering characters and their equipment to PvP server:
PvP Server is available to download the update. To log in to the PvP Server, select the CERBERUS Cup server in the launcher settings and wait for the files to be fixed from the launcher.
To check that you have installed the correct patch - try to buy HP potions +5 HP or Talk Jade from NPC Gatekeeper Assisstant or try PatchTest Scroll (tp).
If you have problems with the patch:
1) log out of the game and click "client repair" in launcher "updates" tab with the Cerberus Cup server selected in the options.
2) open gameclient folder, then open system folder here, then delete files 'DefaultSet" and 'files" and repeat client repair
3) Delete Folder Cerberus-games in the the next path -
C:/User/YourUser/AppData (it's hidden folder)/Roaming/Cerberus-games
and then do "2" again
Possible features / features of the tournament format / order of the tournament are described in the sections below.
Tournament format is described in the sections below.
Tournament format order of the Cup / dates of the tournament may be changed and/or added at any time with or without warning from the Cerberus team.
General rules for each category:
Not allowed:
- To violate/break the basic rules of the Cerberus-Games;
- To sign-up/register and use someone else character nickname or someone else username as a character nickname at a PvP tournament / Sign-up/register and use at a PvP tournament not your main character nickname or not your main username as a character nickname*.
*For example, if my main character nickname is BccAccCcc, and my 2-nd characther nickname is SuperTwink and the accounts that belong to me are Prowler and PP1, then I can register a character to participate in a PvP Tournament only with the nickname BccAccCcc or Prowler; - To change a character nickname after sign-up/registration;
- To Participate in a Cup on a character that another player is already participating in. 1 character -> 1 player (with the exception of substitution [see below]);
- To sign-up/register multiple characters for 1 player. 1 player-> 1 character;
- It is allowed to make substitutions of a players for another players.
- It is the players who is(are) being replaced/sustitute, not the characters*.
*means that the composition of the team characters does not change, but only the player on a certain character changes. - Substitution is allowed only when the team leader addresses the Cerberus Team. Cerburus Team must agree on a substitute/replacement before making a substitute/replacement.
- Substitution/replacement may be refused without explanation.
- It is the players who is(are) being replaced/sustitute, not the characters*.
- Intentionally surrender / not playing for your victory, etc.;
- To interfere / distract the participants of the Cup on the PvP server in any way;
- To intentionally deceive the Cerberus Team (for example, when registering a character, specify the wrong class of the character), including to gain an advantage;
- To not follow the instructions of the Cerberus team when participating in PvP matches.
If one of the participants violates/breaks the rules during a PvP match, it is necessary to finish the match, despite potential violations/break on one of the participants sides.
Potential penalties for violations/break of the rules are decided by Cerberus team.
The rules can be changed and/or added at any time with or without warning from the Cerberus team.
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- - - - - - - - - PVP-CATEGORY 1x1 - - - - - - - - -
Format of the 1x1 pvp-category:
All 1x1 pvp-category matches will be battled in the arena of the Sealed Caliana Queen (small chess, Baal-Hamon chess), with a special module of a decreasing battle circle. For fights between warrior -
The duration of a PvP match in the 1x1 pvp- category is 3 minutes.
The winner of the pvp-match is the character:
1) who killed the opponent character
2) who recives less overall damage during match (canculated by special technical module).
1x1 In-race In-InitialClass pvp-category:
1x1 In-race In-InitialClass pvp-category means a separate competition for characters of the same race and same INITIAL class. For example, Bellato Warrior compete/fight only against Bellato Warrior.
Available for participation:
- Race InitialClass:
- Available combinations of 1st class - 2nd class
- Bellato Warrior:
- Commando - Berserker;
- Commando - Armsman.
- Bellato Ranger:
- Desperado - Hidden Soldier.
- Desperado - Sentinel.
- Bellato Mage:
- Miller - Shield Miller;
- Cypher - Wizard.
- Bellato Specialist
- Driver - Armorrider
- Cora Warrior:
- Champion - Templar;
- Champion - Guardian.
- Cora Ranger:
- Archer - Adventurer.
- Archer - Steeler
- Cora Mage:
- Summoner - Grazier;
- Caster - Warlock;
- Knight - Black Knight.
- Accretia Warrior:
- Destroyer - Punisher;
- Destroyer - Assaulter.
- Accretia Ranger:
- Gunner - Striker;
- Gunner - Dementer;
- Scout - Dementerr.
- Accretia Specialist:
- Engineer - Battleleader.
- Cora warrior
- Accretia warrior
- Accretia specialist
Format for pvp-category, groups and/or play-off bracket will be published later (after registration ends).
We also remind you that copying characters to participate in the 1x1 pvp-category will take place in Maintenance on Friday 07.03.2025. What character will you have in Maintenance = you will have the same class, inventory and bags on the Tournament Server. It will be impossible to trade equipment, change class, purchase items in the Cash Shop, purchase item for gold point, purchase items for hunting point, purchase items for pvp point, use mail, upgrade equipment.
Changes in the game balance for the 1x1 pvp-category:
- Turrets:
- Not allowedt to use turrets, that were not given by match organizer (all other turrets will be deleted from the tournament server or their HP and damage will be reducde [by x1000]);
- Not allowed to use more than 1 active turrent for 1 character (1 character can only have 1 active/placed turret);
- Not allowed to use turrets outside arena battle circle.
- Not allower to use turrets before match start.
- Before each match every specialist receives 1 special turret for this round with stats close to pvp level 55 turret.
- Disabled Mind Control Grenade that is available for purchase in game.
- Before each match every specialist receives 3 special mind control grenades.
- MAU:
- Not allowed To use Goliath MAU Key (only Ballista is allowed);
- Not allowed To use more than 1 MAU Key (only 1 Ballista is allowed).
- Not allowed to repair MAU while match (special NPC is located on the arena to fast repair MAU between matches).
- Change PvP Divine Mau Generator effect:
- Before: 20% MAU attack, 20% MAU absorbtion
- Now: 30% Mau attack, 40% MAU absorbtion
- For Bellato Specialist pvp is not allowed to use shields.
- Each match is played with a certain limited number of HP potions (the effect and number of HP potions differ depending on the match).
- Not allowed to use HP potions, that were not given by match organizer (all other potions will be deleted from the tournament server or their HP will be reduced [by x1000]);
- List of HP Potions:
- Race InitialClass - HP Potions effect / amount of potions
- Bellato Warrior - 3.5k / x20
- Bellato Ranger - 5k / x20
- Bellato Mage - 3k / x25
- Bellato Specialist - 2k / x10
- Cora Warrior - 3k / x20
- Cora Ranger - 5k / x20
- Cora Mage - 5k / x25
- Accretia Warrior - 2k / x20
- Accretia Ranger - 4.5k / x25
- Accretia Specialist - will be published later
- List of HP Potions:
- Buff Siege Power – Duration time reduced to 45 seconds;
- Expert Bellato Heal – cooldown time increased to 15 seconds;
- GM Magic Debuffs – effect time reduced to 60 seconds;
- In certain matches, some classes will have Speed buff:
- Accretia Ranger vs Accretia Ranger - Additional Speed buff for both.
- Changed weapon for use next magic buffs from "any weapon" to "staff":
- Celerity (basic dark buff);
- Tempo (basic dark buff);
- Energize (basic holy buff).
Individual Rules of 1x1 pvp-categories:
- Not allowed To violate/break the General Rules for each pvp-category;
- Not allowed to to use turrets, that were not given by match organizer (all other turrets will be deleted from the tournament server or their HP and damage will be reducde [by x1000]);
- Not allowed to use more than 1 active turrent for 1 character (1 character can only have 1 active/placed turret);
- Not allowed to use turrets outside arena battle circle.
- Not allower to use turrets before match start.
- Not allowed To use Goliath MAU Key (only Ballista is allowed);
- Not allowed To use more than 1 MAU Key (only 1 Ballista is allowed).
- Not allowed to repair MAU while match (special NPC is located on the arena to fast repair MAU between matches).
- For Bellato Specialist pvp is not allowed to use shields.
- Not allowed To use HP Potions that were not given by the match organizer/Cerberus team (all HP Potions {not counting special potions from the match organizers/Cerberus team} will be removed from the game or will have a reduced effect {1000 times less than the original effect});
- Not allowed To not be in zone of the battle circle for more than 10 seconds when the radius of the circle decreases and for more than 3 seconds when the circle is static;
- Demo-video for Battle Circle for not Warrior - https://youtu.be/Si-XBxJbpxk
- Demo-video for Battle Circle for Warrior - https://youtu.be/O0-FcSOxQgU
- All necessary information is announced in the system messages in game chat. Small pillars are a representation of the future circle.
- Being outside the circle - you also receive damage as a penalty for leaving the circle.
- To change the character class after sign-up/registration ends;
- To use a class that differs from the one that was specified in the sign-up/registration;
- To use mines;
- To use Council armor (if the opponents agree on strike council [more on this below]);
- To use revival potions.
Additional features:
- Before the start of the each match, participants have the opportunity to receive a striker (attack) councils for each of the both participants for this round. To do this, both participants must agree to a question about the striker (attack) councils from the match organizer/Cerberus team before the start of the match. If one or both of the participants do not agree to the striker (attack) councils, then this match for them takes place without striket (attack) councils.
1x1 In-race In-InitialClass pvp-category:
(Separately for each available IniticalClass, each race)
#Top - Cash Shop Reward
#1 – 40.000
#2 – 20.000
#3-4 – 10.000
New Prize Pool:
1x1 In-race In-InitialClass pvp-category:
(Separately for each available IniticalClass, each race)
#Top - Cash Shop Reward
#1 – 53.000
#2 – 24.500
#3-4 – 14.000
Order of the 1x1 pvp-category:
Bellato Warrior
(all berserker)
(all hiddensoldier, except)
(if class is not displayed - wizard)
Accretia Ranger:
(if class is not dispayed - striker)
Cora Ranger:
(all adventurer)
(all warlocks)
(all berserker)
- DarkSaid
- Lich
- ok
- 0no0
(all hiddensoldier, except)
- redstyle
- Majestic
- COBA - Sentinel
- Plotik
- xxxmarmotacion
(if class is not displayed - wizard)
- Carnage
- Mister1n - MageTank
- Stephanie
- Resurrector
- ArmenianZASOS -MageTank
- Asmodey
- Poho - MageTank
- ArsNova
- HondaIntegrA
- ToxxaMay
- Vart
- xismotacion
Accretia Ranger:
(if class is not dispayed - striker)
- Mucheng
- BroDota
- RekvenSosal
- tomo
- Yesterday
- xOver
- Biscuit - Dementer
Cora Ranger:
(all adventurer)
- Padla
- sedotdulu
(all warlocks)
- Okay
- Lancerist
For all class categories except Cora Ranger and Cora Mage:
- Playoff double-elimination bracket (winners and losers).
- Matches are played till different amount of wind, depends on number of participants (minimal till one win. max till four win). Amount of win needed to advance - dispalyed in brackets.
Bellato Ranger Bracket - https://challonge.com/f30334vw
Bellato Mage Bracket - https://challonge.com/u9byn8r6
Bellato Specialist Bracket - https://challonge.com/m36ui9yp
Accretia Ranger Bracket - https://challonge.com/tql07sgx
For Cora Ranger and Cora Mage:
- Group stage (everyone playes against everyone). Who has more wins and/or better match results (more ROUND wins and less ROUND loses) - placed higher.
- Matches are played till 2 wins.
Cora Mage Group - https://challonge.com/emu617jt
The schedule is an approximate time for matches and may differ from reality. Participants must be ready to participate regardless of the schedule.
Saturday 08.03:
(Moscow time / WIB time)
- 15:00 - 15:15 / 19:00 - 19:15 Cora Ranger
- 15:15 - 15:30 / 19:15 - 19:30 Cora Mage
- 15:30 - 16:00 / 19:30 - 20:00 Bellato Warrior
- 16:00 - 16:30 / 20:00 - 20:30 Bellato Ranger
- 16:30 - 18:00 / 20:30 - 22:00 Bellato Mage
- 18:00 - 18:30 / 22:00 - 22:30 Brake
- 18:30 - 19:00 / 22:30 - 23:00 Bellator Specialist
- 19:00 - 20:00 / 23:00 - 24:00 Accretia Ranger
The in-game regulations for the matches:
At the start of each series of matches, the participants of the current and next series of matches are announced in the system message.
- If you are a participant in the next match series, you must be in the game and ready to participate in the match series (on PvP Tournament server).
- If you are a participant in the current match -
- You will be teleported into the arena of a series of matches, the match organizer will kill your character and immediately resurrect you to reset your buffs / reset buffs that you could get from other players.
- The match organizer will join your party you to the group to track your buffs to make sure that you have taken the correct class that was specified during registration.
- The metch organizer will give turret and special grenade for this round (for accretia specialist).
- Match organizer will ask you about the voting for additional features. If both teams agree to a certain additional features - it will apply to this series of matches.
- Then the match organizer will give you the HP potions for 1 battle and teleports you to the starting position
- Then an alert will appear in the game for 30 seconds before the start of the match. The match will start in 30 seconds. The maximum duration of the match is 3 minutes.
- Next
- If the players failed to fully kill the opponent after 3 minutes, the match ends.
- in this case winner of the match decided:
- Player who received less damage (calculated by special technical module).
- if the match is up to one win, the players are teleported to the HQ.
- if the match is up to two wins, the match organizer kills the characters and then also resurrects them (to reset the buffs), deletes turrets, hp potions, grenades issued for the match from the inventory and then trade them again.
- in this case winner of the match decided:
- If the players failed to fully kill the opponent after 3 minutes, the match ends.
Also end of the match ahead can be added (at the discretion of the administration).
Dates of the 1x1 pvp-category:
Main days of the pvp-category:
- Saturday 08.03.2025 from 15:00 to 22:00 Moscow time (12:00 - 19:00 GMT, 19:00 - 02:00 WIB)
- Sunday 09.03.2025 from 15:00 to 22:00 Moscow time (12:00 - 19:00 GMT, 19:00 - 02:00 WIB)
- Monday 10.03.2025 from 18:00 to 22:00 Moscow time (15:00 - 19:00 GMT, 22:00 - 02:00 WIB)
Sign-up/Registration is available until Friday 07.03.2025 03:00 Moscow time. (00:00 GMT, 07:00 WIB)
We also remind you that copying characters to participate in the 1x1 pvp-category will take place in Maintenance on Friday 07.03.2025. What character will you have in Maintenance = you will have the same class, inventory and bags on the Tournament Server. It will be impossible to trade equipment, change class, purchase items in the Cash Shop, purchase item for gold point, purchase items for hunting point, purchase items for pvp point, use mail, upgrade equipment.
To sign-up/register, you need to write in private messages @Prowler on the web-site (forum) (link to write in private messages Prowler – *link*), according to the following sample –
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Title of the message –
Sign-up/registration for the tournament
Text –
I want to participate in the 1x1 In-race In-InitialClass tournament pvp-category.
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – Your Account ID (Login)
Character – Your character nickname
Race – Your race
Initial Class – Your Initial class (Warrior, Ranger, Mage)
1st class / 2nd class– Your 1st class / 2nd class
I did read and understood:
- General information about the format of the tournament for each category:
- General rules for each category;
- Format of the 1x1 pvp-category:
- Individual rules of the 1x1 category;
- Additional features of the 1x1 category.
Title of the message –
Sign-up/registration for the tournament
Text –
I want to participate in the 1x1 In-race In-InitialClass tournament pvp-category.
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – Prowler
Character –Prowler876
Race – Bellato
Initial Class – Ranger
1st class / 2nd class– Desperado / Hidden Soldier.
I did read and understood:
- General information about the format of the tournament for each category:
- General rules for each category;
- Format of the 1x1 pvp-category:
- Individual rules of the 1x1 category;
- Additional features of the 1x1 category.
The list of participants will be published after the sign-ups/registration of the 1x1 pvp-category is completed (the list will include Nickname - Race- Initial Class - 1st and 2nd class)
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- - - - - - - - - PVP-CATEGORY 4x4 - - - - - - - - -
Format of the 4x4 pvp-category:
General information:
All matches for 4x4 category will be played on 7 different arenas with a spaecial module of a decreasing battle circle. Available arenas - Zig-Zag Vulcano, Elan Blink Bridge, Elan Barrels, Ether White Hole, Laboratory Black Sign, Big Chess (Sealed 213 zone), Small Chess (Sealed Ether zone).
Changes in arena - locations:
- Zig-Zag Vulcano - close gaps between pillars that could be use to run around
- Elan Blink Bridge - decrease available area for the arena on the PB Blink Side (now equal to the side accross the bridge)
- Elan Barrels - close gaps between boxes/pillased that could be use to run around
- Ether White Hole - added a new pile of boxes/pliiar
For "play-off" brackets could be used map ban/pick system by captains for every match.
The duration of a PvP match in the 4x4 pvp- category is 5 minutes (may be changed [by Cerberus team decision]).
The winner of the pvp-match is the team:
1) Who killed all opponent characters;
2) Who killed more opponent characters in this fight (not amount the characets that left alive, but the amount of kills. [ if character died, it's equal to +1 kill, even if he was resurrected]);
3) Who dealed more damage to opponents in this fight (calculated by special module).
4x4 In-race pvp-category:
Conducted if needed [depends on the number of registrated participants]
- 4x4 In-race pvp-category means a separate competition for teams of the same race. For example, team race Cora compete/fight only with another Cora teams.
- The category is played as a qualification for the 4x4 Absolute category. I.e., this category does not have a play-off bracket. Only the group stage, where the weakest teams leave the Cup, and the rest of the teams go further into the main 4x4 Absolute category.
4x4 Absolute pvp-category:
- 4x4 Absolute pvp-category among everyone, regardless of race.
- Category is played progressively. First, the group stage takes place, then he final playoff bracket is formed from the results of the group stage. [may be changed. depends on the number of registrated participants]
We also remind you that copying characters to participate in the 4x4 pvp-category will take place in Maintenance on Monday 10.03.2025. What character will you have in Maintenance = you will have the same class, inventory and bags on the Tournament Server. It will be impossible to trade equipment, change class, purchase items in the Cash Shop, purchase item for gold point, purchase items for hunting point, purchase items for pvp point, use mail, upgrade equipment.
Individual Rules of 4x4 pvp-categories:
Team composition / class restictions:
- Not more than 3 characters with same InitialClass (for example 3 Warrior = allowed; 4 Warriors = not allowed)
- Not more than 2 characters with same 1-st Class (for example Accretia Ranger - 2 Gunner-Striker + 1 Scout-Dementer = allowed, 2 Gunner-Striker + 1 Gunner-Dementer = not allowed)
- Not more than 1 mage in cross class to warrior profession if team has 3 mages and/or 1 specialist.
- Not more than 1 character with any 1-st class specialist profession.
- To violate/break the General Rules for each pvp-category;
- To not be in zone of the battle circle for more than 10 seconds when the radius of the circle decreases and for more than 3 seconds when the circle is static;
- Demo Videos for circles and arenas -
- Demo Videos for circles and arenas -
- Turrets:
- To use turrets, that were not given by match organizer/Cerberus team (all other turrets will be deleted from the tournament server or their HP and damage will be reducde [by x1000]);
- To use more than 1 active turrent for 1 character (1 character can only have 1 active/placed turret);
- To use turrets outside arena battle circle.a
- To use turrets before match start.
- /Before each match every specialist receives 2 special turret for this round with stats close to pvp level 55 turret.
- MAU:
- Not allowed To use more than 2 MAU keys for round. Only 1 Ballista and only 1 Goliath is allowed.
- Not allowed to repair MAU while match (special NPC is located on the arena to fast repair MAU between matches).
- To use an unapproved team class composition
- To change the character class after sign-up/registration ends;
- To use a class that differs from the one that was specified in the sign-up/registration;
- To use mines;
- To use Council armor (if the competing sides agree on strike council [more on this below]);
- To use revival potions.
Changes in the game balance for the 4x4 pvp-category:
- Turrets:
- Not allowed To use turrets, that were not given by match organizer/Cerberus team (all other turrets will be deleted from the tournament server or their HP and damage will be reducde [by x1000]);
- Not allowed To use turrets before match start
- Not allowed To use more than 1 active turrent for 1 character (1 character can only have 1 active/placed turret);
- Before each match every specialist receives 2 special turret for this round with stats close to normal level 55 turret.
- MAU:
- Not allowed To use more than 2 MAU keys for round. Only 1 Ballista and only 1 Goliath is allowed.
- Not allowed to repair MAU while match (special NPC is located on the arena to fast repair MAU between matches).
- Runes: increase cooldown of all runes by 2 minutes.
Additional features:
- Before the start of the each match, teams have the opportunity to receive a striker (attack) councils for each of the both teams for this round. To do this, both captain s must agree to a question about the striker (attack) councils from the match organizer/Cerberus team before the start of the match. If one or both of the captains do not agree to the striker (attack) councils , then this match for them takes place without striker (attack) councils.
- Before the start of each match, teams have the opportunity to fight in only one arena (Big Chess) for the entire match (i.e. if the match is up to two wins, then the teams fight in a certain arena until one team scores two wins). To do this, both team captains must agree to a question about single arena for the entire match from the match organizer/Cerberus team before the start of the match. If one or both of the captains do not agree to the same arena , then this match for them takes place on picked maps.
4x4 Absolute pvp-category:
#Top - Cash Shop Reward Overall / Cash Shop Reward per 1 team member
- #1 – 588.000 / 147.000
- #2 – 464.000 / 116.000
- #3 – 364.000 / 91.000
- #4 – 292.000 / 73.000
- #5 – 220.000 / 55.000
- #6 – 220.000 / 55.000
- #7 – 148.000 / 37.000
- #8 – 148.000 / 37.000
Order of the 4x4 pvp-category:
Race – Bellato
HondaIntegrA – MAU
Lich - Berserker
MRV - Wizard
GoodLike - MT
chargovna - Berserker
xismotacion - MAU
Tenzou - MT
xxxmarmotacion - Hidden Soldier
0no0 - Berserker
Poho - Wizard
Dama - Holy Chandra
elektrablack - MT
ДжигаЛига (DjigaLiga)
Plotik - Hidden Soldier
ok - Berserker
api - MT
ArsNova - Wizard
The empire strikes back
ArmenianZASOS - Wizard
Stephanie - MT
NosomPoKokosam - Holy Chandra
ToxxaMay - MAU
Aroven - Berserker
Mister1n - Wizard
Resurrector - Wizard
LonelyEyes - Holy Chandra
Вры (VRi [Wanted])
DarkSaid - Berserker
Samovarus - Hidden Soldier
Asmodey - Wizard
Race – Cora
БЦ,СЦ и Кузня (BD [BC,SC i Kuzn9])
SSG - Warlock
Loell - Warlock
XaKeR - Specialist
Projimator - Templar
Race – Accretia
Neuka - Assaulter
NeukaJR - Scientist
HermiOne - Dementer
Mucheng - Striker
sk8er - Striker
RekvenSosal - Striker
Biscuit - Dementer
orameteora - Scientist
tomo - Striker
BroDota - Striker
Grindhouse - Punisher
brax - Scientist
durug team
xOver - Striker
Send - Scientist
aether - Striker
ToXXaMucheng3 - Punisher
altushka - Striker
jooy - Striker
BeetleJuice - Punisher
APTEM - Battle leader
Shiny Trash
InTheLastPath - Punisher
toper - Striker
Last - Striker
Cnacu6o - Scientist
HondaIntegrA – MAU
Lich - Berserker
MRV - Wizard
GoodLike - MT
chargovna - Berserker
xismotacion - MAU
Tenzou - MT
xxxmarmotacion - Hidden Soldier
0no0 - Berserker
Poho - Wizard
Dama - Holy Chandra
elektrablack - MT
ДжигаЛига (DjigaLiga)
Plotik - Hidden Soldier
ok - Berserker
api - MT
ArsNova - Wizard
The empire strikes back
ArmenianZASOS - Wizard
Stephanie - MT
NosomPoKokosam - Holy Chandra
ToxxaMay - MAU
Aroven - Berserker
Mister1n - Wizard
Resurrector - Wizard
LonelyEyes - Holy Chandra
Вры (VRi [Wanted])
DarkSaid - Berserker
Samovarus - Hidden Soldier
Asmodey - Wizard
Race – Cora
БЦ,СЦ и Кузня (BD [BC,SC i Kuzn9])
SSG - Warlock
Loell - Warlock
XaKeR - Specialist
Projimator - Templar
Race – Accretia
Neuka - Assaulter
NeukaJR - Scientist
HermiOne - Dementer
Mucheng - Striker
sk8er - Striker
RekvenSosal - Striker
Biscuit - Dementer
orameteora - Scientist
tomo - Striker
BroDota - Striker
Grindhouse - Punisher
brax - Scientist
durug team
xOver - Striker
Send - Scientist
aether - Striker
ToXXaMucheng3 - Punisher
altushka - Striker
jooy - Striker
BeetleJuice - Punisher
APTEM - Battle leader
Shiny Trash
InTheLastPath - Punisher
toper - Striker
Last - Striker
Cnacu6o - Scientist
- Playoff double-elimination bracket (winners and losers).
- Matches of Round 1, Round 2, Loser Round 1, Loser Round 2 are played on Big Chess arena. Rest matches are played with picked/banned maps.
- All matches till Loser Round 4 - Best of 3 (till 2 wins).
- Rest matches - Best of 5 (till 3 wins).
Matchs Schedule - No specific exact schedule for each match. Matches will be played during the entire allotted time per day.
The in-game regulations for the matches:
At the start of each series of matches, the participants of the current and next series of matches are announced in the system message.
- If you are a participant in the next match series, you must be in the game and ready to participate in the match series (on PvP Tournament server).
- If you are a participant in the current match -
[Talk jade is sold from NPC Gatekeeper Assisstant in HQ]
If you are teleported into the arena of a series of matches, the match organizer will kill your team characters and immediately resurrect you to reset your buffs / reset buffs that you could get from other players.
- The match organizer will join your party you to the group to track your buffs to make sure that you have taken the correct class that was specified during registration.
- The metch organizer will give turret for this round if you have spec in team.
- If the match is in the "playoff" stage, the teams ban and pick the arenas for this match Available arenas - Zig-Zag Vulcano, Elan Blink Bridge, Elan Barrels, Ether White Hole, Laboratory Black Sign, Big Chess (Sealed 213 zone), Small Chess (Sealed Ether zone).
There is a team(A) and a team(B)
There are 7 arenas available for selection. Available arenas are Zig-Zag Vulcan, Elan Bridge, Elan Barrels, Ether White Silence, Tor Laboratory, Big Chess (Zap. Bloody Paw) (Big Chess), Small Chess (Zap. Queen Kalyan) (Small Chess).
The match organizer chooses one of the Teams as the "team one", the team that was not selected as the "team one" becomes the "team two". Next, the process of picking and banning arena in this order takes place:
1) Team One ban one of the arenas (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
2) Team Two ban one of the arenas (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
3) Team One pick one of the arenas (this arena will be played first) (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
4) Team Two pick one of the arenas (this arena will be played second) (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
5) Team One ban one of the arenas (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
6) Team Two ban one of the arenas (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
7) The last (seventh) arena will be picked automatically (this arena will be played third in the match, if necessary)
There are 7 arenas available for selection. Available arenas are Zig-Zag Vulcan, Elan Bridge, Elan Barrels, Ether White Silence, Tor Laboratory, Big Chess (Zap. Bloody Paw) (Big Chess), Small Chess (Zap. Queen Kalyan) (Small Chess).
The match organizer chooses one of the Teams as the "team one", the team that was not selected as the "team one" becomes the "team two". Next, the process of picking and banning arena in this order takes place:
1) Team One ban one of the arenas (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
2) Team Two ban one of the arenas (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
3) Team One pick one of the arenas (this arena will be played first) (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
4) Team Two pick one of the arenas (this arena will be played second) (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
5) Team One ban one of the arenas (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
6) Team Two ban one of the arenas (this arena can no longer be picked or banned)
7) The last (seventh) arena will be picked automatically (this arena will be played third in the match, if necessary)
- Then the match organizer will ask you about the voting for additional features. If both teams agree to a certain additional features - it will apply to this series of matches.
There is a team 1 and team 2
The match organizer will ask 2 questions -
Vote + or - for the next one. features:
1) Do you want to fight with strike council?
2) Do you want to fight on one same arena (Big Chess)?
Team 1 responds
1) -
2) + Big Chess
Team 2 responds
1) +
2) + Big Chess
As a result, both teams agree to fight on same arena in this series of matches.
The match organizer will ask 2 questions -
Vote + or - for the next one. features:
1) Do you want to fight with strike council?
2) Do you want to fight on one same arena (Big Chess)?
Team 1 responds
1) -
2) + Big Chess
Team 2 responds
1) +
2) + Big Chess
As a result, both teams agree to fight on same arena in this series of matches.
- Then the match organizer will give you Turrets for 1 battle and teleports you to the starting position.
- Then an alert will appear in the game for 30 seconds before the start of the match. The match will start in 30 seconds. The maximum duration of the match is 5 minutes.
- Next
- If the players failed to fully kill the opponent's team after 5 minutes, the match ends. winner of the match decided:
- 1) Who killed more opponent characters in this fight (not amount the characets that left alive, but the amount of kills. [ if character died, it's equal to +1 kill, even if he was resurrected]);
- 2) Who dealed more damage to opponents in this fight (calculated by special technical module).
- if the match is up to one win, the players are teleported to the HQ.
- if the match is up to two wins, the match organizer kills the characters and then also resurrects them (to reset the buffs), deletes turrets issued for the match from the inventory and then trade them again.
- If the players failed to fully kill the opponent's team after 5 minutes, the match ends. winner of the match decided:
Dates of the 4x4 pvp-category:
Main days of the pvp-category:
- Tuesday 11.03.2025 from 18:00 to 22:00 Moscow time (15:00 - 19:00 GMT, 22:00 - 02:00 WIB)
- Wednesday 12.03.2025 from 18:00 to 22:00 Moscow time (15:00 - 19:00 GMT, 22:00 - 02:00 WIB)
- Sunday 16.03.2025 from 15:00 to 22:00 Moscow time (12:00 - 19:00 GMT, 21:00 - 02:00 WIB)
- Thursday 13.03.2025 from 18:00 to 22:00 Moscow time (15:00 - 19:00 GMT, 22:00 - 02:00 WIB)
- Friday 14.03.2025 from 18:00 to 22:00 Moscow time (15:00 - 19:00 GMT, 22:00 - 02:00 WIB)
Saturday 15.03.2025 from 15:00 to 22:00 Moscow time (12:00 - 19:00 GMT, 21:00 - 02:00 WIB)
Sign-up/Registration is available until 10.03.2025 03:00 Moscow time (00:00 GMT, 07:00 WIB).
We also remind you that copying characters to participate in the 4x4 pvp-category will take place in Maintenance on Monday 10.03.2025. What character will you have in Maintenance = you will have the same class, inventory and bags on the Tournament Server. It will be impossible to trade equipment, change class, purchase items in the Cash Shop, purchase item for gold point, purchase items for hunting point, purchase items for pvp point, use mail, upgrade equipment.
To sign-up/register, you need to write in private messages @Prowler on the web-site (forum) (link to write in private messages Prowler – *link*), according to the following sample –
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Title of the message –
Sign-up/registration for the Cup 4x4
Text –
Race - Your Race
Team Name = Your team name
(player1) = Team leader
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – Account ID (Login) (player1)
Character – Character nickname (player1)
Initial Class – Character Initial class (Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Spec) (player1)
1st class / 2nd class – Character 1st class / 2nd class (player1)
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – Account ID (Login) (player2)
Character – Character nickname (player2)
Initial Class – Character Initial class (Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Spec) (player2)
1st class / 2nd class – Character 1st class / 2nd class (player2)
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – Account ID (Login) (player3)
Character – Character nickname (player3)
Initial Class – Character Initial class (Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Spec) (player3)
1st class / 2nd class – Character 1st class / 2nd class (player3)
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – Account ID (Login) (player4)
Character – Character nickname (player4)
Initial Class – Character Initial class (Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Spec) (player4)
1st class / 2nd class – Character 1st class / 2nd class (player4)
I did read and understood:
- General information about the format of the tournament for each category:
- General rules for each category;
- Format of the 4x4 pvp-category:
- Individual rules of the 4x4 category;
- Additional features of the 4x4 category.
Title of the message –
Sign-up/registration for the Cup 4x4
Text –
Race - Bellato
Team Name = SuperCoolTeamNameIndeed
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – Prowler
Character – Prowler
Initial Class – Warrior
1st class / 2nd class – Commando / Berserker
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – Prowler156g
Character – ProwlerB
Initial Class – Warrior
1st class / 2nd class – Commando / Berserker
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – ProwlerQWer
Character – Prowlerrrrrrrrr
Initial Class – Mage
1st class / 2nd class – Miller / Shield Miller
Account ID (login) on the web-site (forum) – wqerqwProwler
Character – Ppppppppppprowler
Initial Class – Specialist
1st class / 2nd class – Driver / Armorrider
I did read and understood:
- General information about the format of the tournament for each category:
- General rules for each category;
- Format of the 4x4 pvp-category:
- Individual rules of the 4x4 category;
- Additional features of the 4x4 category.
The list of participants will be published after the sign-ups/registration of the 4x4 pvp-category is completed (the list will include TeamName - Nickname - Race- Initial Class - 1st and 2nd class)
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