Всем привет! Собираемся посетить CERBERUS GAMES полным составом старичков и новичков! Ждем в нашем кругу исключительно адекватных личностей с приложением под названием TeamSpeak3! Все желающие могут отписать лично в вк для вступления: https://vk.com/resurrector
Идем за Расу Беллато!
Hello fellas! We're going to visit CERBERUS GAMES with a full team of oldies and newbies! We are happy to meet some good players who use TeamSpeak3 client! For joining you can contact me via PM at this forum or telegram : https://t.me/Resurrector
The chosen Race is Bellato!
Идем за Расу Беллато!
Hello fellas! We're going to visit CERBERUS GAMES with a full team of oldies and newbies! We are happy to meet some good players who use TeamSpeak3 client! For joining you can contact me via PM at this forum or telegram : https://t.me/Resurrector
The chosen Race is Bellato!

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